Tactics for Reinforcing Organizational Values


Tactics for Reinforcing Organizational Values

Organizational values or corporate values are a set of abstract ideas that guides employee actions and thinking. Organizational values shape your organizational culture and create a sense of commitment in the workplace.

Organizational values have a huge impact on both internal and external matters of an organization, how employees treat each other’s, and show how partners, customers, and other parties are treated.

Organizations can benefit from values only when appropriately defined, and their people know exactly what they are talking about and what they are trying to achieve.

As per HRavailable reinforcing core company values is about leading by example and rewarding good behaviour. Integrity is key, so it’s also important to get serious about terminating those who violate your company’s code of conduct.

Here are some tips from HRavailable to build your communicate company culture by reinforcing the core values:

Hire for Core Values

Incorporate your values in job postings and screen for them in the interview process to ensure alignment. To reinforce, weave them in every major initiative or meeting you host, align incentives to the behaviours you wish to see, create a recognition program that celebrates the demonstration of your values and build them into your overall performance management process.

Reinforce Through Orientation and Training

It’s hard to expect employees to exhibit values if they don’t know that they are. When employees first join the organization, they should be immediately educated on the company values. And whenever appropriate, subsequent training should strive to remind employees of those values and explain how a new policy or training program fits in with the company’s commitment to live those values.

Reward Value-Centric Behaviour

Values are meaningful only when they are expressed through everyday behaviours. Be on the lookout for those in your organization who take values and culture seriously, and let them be an example for others.

There are many ways to recognize and reward values-centric behaviour, including spot-bonuses, peer-voting opportunities that give employees the opportunity to nominate co-workers for successfully living the values, and written recognition in newsletters or on the website.

Rewarding good behaviour is the best way to reinforce it and set an example for the rest of the team.

Utilizing the latest technologies

If your organisation is dealing about future, it is essential you make use of modern technology. Remember, because of the speed at which it evolves, your company’s technology needs will always be a work in progress. Never become complacent.

Listen to your Employees

Provide your employees with an environment to let their opinion be heard. Listen for ideas, listen to ease conflicts, listen to help create an even better company culture!

Encourage Collaboration

Encourage collaboration between employees to reinforce the idea that you are a team.

A culture of collaboration highlights the freedom for individuals and teams to practice active communication and knowledge-sharing. This helps to break down departmental silos, and creates an openness to share ideas and learnings.

Lead by examples

Leaders need to visibly demonstrate that they buy into the organization’s core beliefs. You could do this with a video of your CEO at the beginning of your training programme.

Encourage Social Learning

Get your employees to participate in promoting your company culture. Through the right social learning platform, employees can feel empowered to learn and share information with each other. Increased participation means increased engagement. A win-win for your employees and your organisation!

Build Traditions

Include games and team-building activities to fuel up your employees. Celebrate each other’s’ successes. Hold competitions. Encourage breaks. There’s a lot you can do to create good vibes around your workspace. This will earn your organisation more brownie points and help to further your organizational culture.

Embrace Diversity & Inclusivity

Nurturing a diverse and inclusive workplace promotes a culture centred on honouring differences with dignity and respect. This makes everyone feel comfortable and welcome.

To really promote diversity, it isn’t enough that you simply acknowledge differences. It’s about recognizing the value of each employee, their unique attributes and individual contributions. By implementing interventions that reduce discrimination and cognitive bias, this also helps promote generality.

While setting values at a company seems to be table stakes for most companies, they are only useful if they are utilized in day-to-day operations. HRavailable strongly recommends you to practice and display your organisation’s core values, encourage them, and set expectations for employees to follow them. Finally, recognize the team players who are displaying their dedication to them in hopes of stimulating that behaviour in others.

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