Top 5 Skills in Data Science


Top 5 Skills in Data Science


Data science is a talent that we seeing growing in the modern world and many recruiters are keen to hire people with such skills. There appears to be a very high demand for these skills among graduates especially and many industries face a current shortage of competent data scientists. Many of these skills intertwine with other disciplines and thus having such skills will help you stand out from the crowd. 


As reported by world economic forum on the future of Data Science ‘Jobs such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Specialists or Data Scientists, in which data science skills are perhaps most profoundly applicable, are forecasted to be among the most in demand roles across most industries by 2022.’



Regardless, of your experience, position and area of expertise, there exists a path for you to pursue a successful career in data science. Having skills in data science opens the door to many other job opportunities in the field. Below we have complied a list of what feel are the top 5 skills you can have in the world of data science today. 





Artificial Intelligence



Trends for AI specialists show that there has been a significant growth of over 70% in the past 4-5 years. This is because many organisations are adopting ideas and practices of AI into their business more now than ever.


AI has positively shifted and changed the way we observe data science. If you are seeking to learn the principles of AI as a beginner or to advice your professional development towards it, check out this blog here, “Learn Artificial Intelligence Courses online for free



Machine Learning


Machine learning hold a string foundation in the involvement of data science activities.  Aiming to manifest systems that can predict the course of events, this skill is one of the most sought after in the data science industry today being in high demand. Machine learning allows one to draw practical conclusions and results based on data matrices. 


Demand for machine learning is only going to be increasing, so if you are aspiring to start a career into the field it is best to do your research and start by taking up online courses at the earliest. 





This is usually one of the first and primary language learnt by data scientists. It has gained its popularity for being an open-source language. Python entails high-level data structures, dynamic typing, dynamic binding, and features, making it suitable for complex application development.


If you want to find a suitable language to learn that will kickstart your career in programming, python may be right for you. Check out this blog here to find out how you can start learning python today “Start Learning Python Today!





Another skill that is in top demand in the field of data science and machine learning is Cloud. Some of the most popular and currently in-demand Cloud computing  are Java, Linux, DevOps, Docker and Amazon Web Services. Cloud computing stimulates a faced paced machine learning environment that can be accessed remotely. 



The market today for cloud services is said to grow by 17% in 2020 to a total of $266.4 billion. You can learn cloud on education platforms online such as Coursera and Edx. 



Mathematics & Statistics


Mathematics and Statistics are vital areas of data science for undertaking tasks such as data analysis, data sorting, and visualisation. Being a data scientist, having knowledge in calculus, linear algebra, statistics, and probability theory becomes a prerequisite. 


Udacity, Udemy and Coursera do great courses in the introduction and advancement in Mathematics and Statistics. 


This is a great time to advance in the field of data science. Start working towards your aspirations today and here’s to your future in data science!




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